Strawberry Iced Tea

Summer is upon us and as the days grow hotter and more humid (if you live in the south/southeast that is!) you will be looking for easy ways to cool off. I thought I would share this recipe for Strawberry Iced Tea that I came across.Strawberry Iced Tea Recipe

I made it as my contribution for the “Team Recommends” section of the Daughters of Promise magazine that I am a staff member of. (Check out the website here for more info.) Use your favorite method for making regular iced tea. If you don’t have a method for making iced tea, use the recipe below that my mom always makes.Strawberry Iced Tea Recipe

Strawberry Iced Tea (sweet)-makes 1 gallon

Fill a small sauce pan with cold water. Cover and bring to a boil. When boiling, remove from heat and put in 3 family size tea bags or 8 of the smaller regular size bags, cover and let steep for 10 minutes. Remove excess liquid from bags and add ¾-1 cup sugar to hot tea. Stir till melted. Pour over ice in 1 gallon pitcher. Add water to fill.

For strawberry iced tea:

Blend 2 cups of fresh or frozen strawberries in blender or food processor until smooth. Pour into pitcher with the already made tea. Add water to fill. Squeeze in 1-2 limes.Strawberry Iced Tea Recipe

This makes a refreshing beverage that would be perfect for relaxing on your front porch or in your hammock. You could also serve it at picnics and BBQs.Strawberry Iced Tea RecipeWhat do you do to stay cool and refreshed during the hot summer months?

2 thoughts on “Strawberry Iced Tea

  1. This looks amazing! I am pretty sure it’ll be an afternoon-pick-me-up after my toddler goes down for his nap.

    I recently discovered your blog and really enjoy it.

    Have a lovely day,


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